Saturday, January 30, 2010

Are You Kidding Me???

Unless you completely dislike sports or do not even know the news around you then you have heard about Tim Tebow and this so called "controversial" commercial that will air during the Super Bowl next week. The commercial will discuss the topic of choosing life and I guess to some that is offensive. Really?? What is so controversial about a woman (Tebows mother) telling her story of her son and how she chose not to have an abortion when she was told it would be a good idea? She chose life and look at the life that she chose! Tim Tebow!!!

Tim Tebow is by far one of the most outstanding QBs to me. He is a great player in my opinion, but even more so I believe he is a great person. Just look at this guy for a moment: he has talent, popularity, good looks (ok I confess he is cute) and what does this college star QB do during spring break? He goes on missions trips..thats right....missions trips. Not to a place in Mexico to party, not to some place in FL to party, not to Paris or wherever else college students go on spring break, but on missions trips.

Tebow is the son of missionarys and his faith shows in the way he carries himself. He is not some stuck up QB who hopes to make it in the pros...he is a QB who has taken what he has been given and used it to help others and to spread the Word of God. Look at his face in each game and you will see a Bible verse written on it...and it is not always the same verse either.

I do not really believe that this whole made up "controversy" is about choosing life, but I think it is more about the way someine is living his a Christian. You may say that I am making something out of nothing by that statement, but believe me if someone is trying to make something out of nothing it is the people who are trying to get that commercial stopped.

They argue that the commercial will suggest to teens and others that it is ok to go against the doctors and that it is a pro life commercial. They argue that a woman has the right to do whatever to her body. Well, yes, she does have the right, but remember one thing, what abortion does has nothing to do with her body. It has to do with the body of a little life..yes...I said life.

Why is it that any type of content that is inappropriate can be viewed on tv and any opinion that is "extreme" can be given as long as it does not have any "values"? Just something that has always intrigued me. So, this Super Bowl I will be watching for the tebow commercial and I will be proud that a woman chose to have her baby because her baby has touched so many lives and I believe will continue to touch even more lives.

I know this is a sports blog, but I just had to give my opinion on the matter. GO TIM TEBOW!!!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. An abortion was suggested to my mother also because her pregnancy of me was considered a high risk. Boy, am I glad she chose life for me. I maybe going out on a limb here, but doctors are not always right.
